Well, hair cut successful! She loves it and I haven’t heard anything about it….yet. She flipped that hair around so much last night, I think we are gonna have a sore neck today! I’ll have to post a picture later. KK mentioned getting her hair cut, but decided to wait for a couple of weeks before she goes to a camp. She is going to be counselor at a day camp for young people with developmental disabilities. I am so proud that she wants to help and is excited to help. And, she’ll have fun too!
Went to bed last night thinking about Mr. C’s 40th birthday. His bday is fast approaching and we have decided to have a party for him, but I haven’t ironed out the details AT ALL! He knows about the party because I cannot surprise him! He pays waaay too much attention to everything going on around him. And, he is hypersensitive to his birthday because he claims he wants to just let it pass on by. Well, not gonna happen around here. When I was growing up, birthdays were a BIG deal. And, they still kind of are. I have 3 brothers and a sister and I still get a call every year from all of them and their spouses and kids. And of course, my parents call and sing “Happy Birthday”-it’s awesome. I guess as you get older, you are supposed to act like your birthday is no big deal, but really, it is. At least you’re having one!!! Ok, I got really off track. Mr. C’s party still rambling through my brain. Didn’t come up with anything last night in my sleep, so will have to research some things today. Will keep ya posted. Until next time-JC
Went to bed last night thinking about Mr. C’s 40th birthday. His bday is fast approaching and we have decided to have a party for him, but I haven’t ironed out the details AT ALL! He knows about the party because I cannot surprise him! He pays waaay too much attention to everything going on around him. And, he is hypersensitive to his birthday because he claims he wants to just let it pass on by. Well, not gonna happen around here. When I was growing up, birthdays were a BIG deal. And, they still kind of are. I have 3 brothers and a sister and I still get a call every year from all of them and their spouses and kids. And of course, my parents call and sing “Happy Birthday”-it’s awesome. I guess as you get older, you are supposed to act like your birthday is no big deal, but really, it is. At least you’re having one!!! Ok, I got really off track. Mr. C’s party still rambling through my brain. Didn’t come up with anything last night in my sleep, so will have to research some things today. Will keep ya posted. Until next time-JC