Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Do I Have to Have Another One?

Well, I am staring a year older in the face....literally. A few hours and I will have another birthday. These times make me very emotional and spend so much time reflecting on my life. It's funny, I told Chad last night that I want time to stand still. I love my life, my husband, my kids. I feel soooo fortunate to be healthy, happy and here. I told him that I feel like every year is the BEST year. And he was very smart to say, "Why CAN'T every year be the best year?" All most of us want is to be happy and when we do have happiness, we don't always take the time to enjoy it. Stop and smell the roses they say. Well, I am going to try to stop and smell the roses. Take in all the sights and smells around me. Actually, sometimes, do nothing but sit and play with my kids and read and watch tv and play on the computer with them. These are the things that make me happy and if something were to happen to me tomorrow, I would not want them to remember that I was always running around doing chores, stressing about the house and the groceries and everything I have to do. I want them to remember that no matter what age I was, I was always willing to stop and smell the roses with them.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

First Days of School

Well, we are on our third day of school here in Louisiana and I have to say my children are surprising me! They have gone to bed every night, gotten up every morning on time, (even eaten breakfast which they don't usually do) and done their homework. I thought this would happen the first day, but by the third day, I thought for sure there would be many tears.....still waiting. I have seen such a transformation this summer of them. They have started helping with chores, picking up their things, just outright being agreeable. Was it a change in my attitude? A change in theirs? Maybe both. I do realize that they are getting older and for now I will sit back and enjoy the good and happy! :)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

There is a Floor!

Well, guess what? My children's closets DO have a floor! This weekend, I got a wild hair and took EVERYTHING (and I mean everything) out of their closets. I decided to go through all of it and make them help me and explain to them that we only have so much space. If there are more "things" than space, there is a problem. Well, guess what peeps, there is a problem......maybe I should say WAS. We cleaned those closets out like maniacs. And it's funny how my kids are loving how clean they are. I guess deep down inside they want order, but don't want to have to organize. Now, if we can only keep it that way!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Sounds in the Night

We had a long, busy weekend. Full of responsibilities AND fun. But, eventually, we must come back to reality! Last night, Chad went to bed early since he had to be at work VERY early this morning; and, I took over bedtime duty. You would think, how much bedtime duty is there actually with an 11 year old and a 7 year old.....well, it depends. Some nights they are SO tired that they fall into bed and you never hear another peep out of them. Considering that I woke them up at 9:40 yesterday morning, they were not too tired last night. So, the three of us laid in the bed and talked. Talked about school coming up, talked about trying out a new babysitter that they wanted, talked about how their summer had been going. Finally, all was quiet and no sounds at all were so wonderful. Just to lay there with my precious children and know they fell asleep very happy! Have a wonderful day!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

My Sister's Keeper

Oh my goodness! Just finished reading My Sister's Keeper....need I say more. This book was a book I COULD NOT put down! But, tragically sad. I have a sister and I have two girls, and let me just say, it's hard not to get engrossed in that book.

On a lighter note, I have the day off of work tomorrow and I have tons to do at home, but I am considering doing NOTHING! There are only two weeks left until school starts and I want to be downright lazy with the girls. I know if I ask them what they want to do it will be a combination of go out to eat, shop, get our haircut, get our toenails painted, shop, movie, zoo....I could keep going, but you get the idea. They are full of wonderful ideas. We may have to try a few. KK is at a waterpark today with a friend and Em invited one of her friends to play while KK is gone so they should all be sufficiently entertained. I dream of being creative and doing creative things. But, I'm not very creative. Can you google "how to be creative"? I think I just may have to try. I am having this overwhelming feeling that I want to take everything out of my laundry room and scrub from top to bottom and start over. Not with everything, but with nothing. Nothing but the washer and the dryer. Right now, there are so many clothes in there I could outfit another whole family. I think about all of the dust probably behind the washer and dryer and the lint all in the hose. This will thrill the hubby, because you know I can't move all of this by myself! After all of this babbling and run-on sentences, I think I'll go back to my original idea and do NOTHING! I'll let ya know!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I always seem to get sentimental when seasons change. School is going start here in Louisiana in about 3 weeks and I was watching my girls swimming in the pool last night and it almost just makes me bawl crying.....they are soooo big and getting older by the day. I remember when they needed me for EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING! I told my husband last night, KK can do so many things for herself; soon she's not going to need me anymore. And then Em will follow and what will I do? I am majorly defined by being a mother....he said..."I'll always need you":) Did I mention I have an awesome husband?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Home Sweet Not So Clean

I have such mixed emotions about my husband and I have been married almost 14 years and have lived in different places. Not geographically, just houses. Long story short, we knew one day we wanted to build a house of our own and continually worked toward that goal. Well, 4 years ago we began our journey. And it was actually a pleasant journey. We were just talking the other day that our house building experience was quite enjoyable; no big fall outs or problems. Anyway, fast forward to today, 4 years later, 2 jobs, 2 kids, 4 animals....I cannot keep up with this housework! And I fight myself about this all the time! I have two kids that are of age to actually help and sometimes it's just easier to do things myself (which means the bare minimum gets done). And, I actually have a husband who is VERY helpful! Just having a bum day I guess. I got up this morning to come to work and looked around and literally just felt defeated. Part of it is that I want to be home. Why can't those work from home jobs not be a scam? I will have to start searching for something to do besides work these 10 hour days somewhere else! I'll get on that right after I clean the bathrooms!:)

Friday, July 10, 2009

Really, I don't have to go

Over the past week, our babysitter has been off and we have had to make other arrangements for the girls. At the beginning of the week, they went to stay with my parents about an hour away. Let me just say that they are FULLY entertained when they are there. Go out to eat, go to the library, go swimming, go shopping....need I say more? Anyway, they knew that at the end of this week, they would then be going to my brother and sister-in-law's house about 2 hours away for two nights. Which they were very excited about because they have twins the same age as Em. Well, by the second night at Mom's house, I got a call from KK that sounded like this, "Mom, don't know if I'll be able to go to Uncle Let's because I miss you really badly right now!" Um, what do I say to that? My heart drops, because let's just say that as a child, I was HORRIBLY homesick on most occasions! My dad came to Houston to pick me up one time! All I could do was encourage her and assure her that I had planned for them to come home for two nights in between and that may make her feel better. Well, for those two nights, KK was in a DEEP depression. Just the anxiety of leaving again was like a black cloud, hovering over all of our heads. Em was quite excited and stated matter-of-factly that she was going with or without KK. As the time grew nearer, KK decided that she was going to man up and go. Last night, I got a text from her saying, "Hey mom and dad, i miss you terribly, lu". That said it all; how was I going to sleep the rest of the night worrying about this child? Then, I got a text from Em that said, "Hey mom and dad, love u, see u on saturday!" Need I say more? These kids couldn't be more night and day; yet, I love them both fiercely; there are no words to describe the love for your children, even if you love them differently, not one more than the other, just differently. They both have needs that are the same and then they both have needs that are very different. And God made me and Chad lucky enough to be the ones to tend to those many needs. Can't wait to see them tomorrow!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Days going by

The days are flying by for me. As my oldest child finishes 5th grade and my youngest child finishes 1st grade I have very mixed emotions. Next year KK will be the "big men" at school. Her school only goes to 6th grade and they will be the "Seniors"! She is very excited about this and I think scared. Em in contemplating being at the school without her big sister. Now, let me say that this little girl DOES NOT need her sister for protection; but, KK has a way of taking care of everyone and especially Em. Without her even knowing it, KK keeps up with her and keeps tabs one her, leads her in the right direction and just all around looks out for her. Em is so sweet and definitely not a trouble maker, but definitely in her own little world. Yesterday, for example, the girls' plan was to ride the bus home; they usually do this once a week. KK gets on the bus, no Em. She doesn't hesistate to tell the bus driver, "I gotta go get my little sister". She just knew. She knew Em wasn't in any kind of trouble, she just knew she probably had forgotten. Sure enough, she heads to the 1st grade hall and there stands Em, "I knew you'd come get me and tell me where to go"........what more could I ask for. Two little girls that honestly trust each other, love each other and care about each other. Can you see me smiling????....Thank you God.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


You know how sometimes your laundry is all over the place and you have one million loads to do and you just feel like you're at the bottom of the pile? Well, I feel like I am there tonight. So much to do, not enough time. Will post again when I have my laundry done!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What Makes Me Happy

I initially started blogging not for anyone else to read about my sometimes exciting, usually mundane life (which is how I like it); but, as a record for my girls to look back on one day and re-live some of their life events and how I felt about them. When I was pregnant with each of them, I started a true diary that I wrote in frequently. Although the entries have dwindled, I do still pick up the pen every now and then and write in a little story. I love to write and not about anything in particular, just whatever is on my mind that day. Then, I love to go back and read things from 10 years back and remember how great certain times were. I seem to have a terrible memory and can only remember maybe the last week of my life.....anyway, today I want to remember that I am the luckiest girl in the world.

I married the man of my dreams. I truly waited for that perfect someone for me and boy did I find him.....he definitely makes me happy.

I have two beautiful girls who hubby and I live for. Thanks to the good Lord, we have been blessed with these children to care for and guide.....they make me very happy.

I am part of a wonderful family. My mom and dad are still married after 44 years and my in-laws are still married after 44 years (who can say that)-it's awesome. Hubby and I both have brothers and sisters who contribute something special to this thing called family....our family makes me very happy.

I am very content with life and all my surroundings, what more could I ask for? God has been so good to us and we only hope and pray that we can live the life that He would be proud of.

What makes you happy? Stop and think about it today. It may be big things like I just mentioned, or it may be little things like beautiful flowers, microwave ovens, hot water, dishwashers, a perfect sunset, 5 minutes of quiet.....whatever it is, take time to stop and be thankful for it.


Monday, March 30, 2009

Okay, I Lied

No one expect anything else from this blog (not that there were any expectations to begin with)....anyway, no post and no pictures. KK got the stomach virus in the middle of the night Friday night and the Dad and me camping trip was off. KK was so sad, Em was a little glad and Chad was undecided. He wanted to take the girls camping, but the temp here was 40 degrees; cold for us. And did I mention, that I had a weekend planned alone??? Well, I still went to dinner with my great friends Saturday night, Chad stayed home with the girls and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I rarely have any alone time (for myself) partly b/c I just don't know how to do that! Anyway, I have to work on that. I went out for 3 hours to dinner with my friends Saturday night and really had a great time; it gave me a little re-charge. I did plan to scrapbook and get a lot done; I haven't done any scrapbooking since KK's 3rd birthday (I am ashamed to say she if quickly approaching 12 years old!). Didn't do that.....oh well, for another day.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Good Post A Comin'

I promise a good post is coming. With pictures. This weekend Chad is taking the girls on a Dad and me campout. First campout ever! First time I think Chad has had them alone. And more important, KK is 11 and I don't think I have ever been alone without anyone. No girls, no Chad. What will I do?

Monday, March 9, 2009


Yes, that's what I said. Another day in the adventures of Fudgie. My friends at work say I should write a book about this monkey; after all, he is part of the family. Well, yesterday I took the girls to see Confessions of a Shopaholic. Great movie. I loved it, girls loved it, Fudgie came and loved it. Fudgie stayed. Of course, I didn't know this until 9:00 p.m. last night. KK came in with sad eyes and said, "I can't find Fudgie". I already knew. Well, I will call the movie theater and find out if he is in the lost and found. Guess what, the movie theater is automated; you cannot get a live person on that phone if you wanted to give away 1 million dollars. So, you know what I had to do. . . . I loaded the kids up in the car, in their pajamas and headed up to the movie theater. (Sidenote, Chad was working or none of this would have taken place-he thinks the monkey should stay home-don't tell him, but he's right). Anyway, get to the window, crabby window woman says, "Nope, no stuffed monkey in here"-she looked really concerned (can you feel the sarcasm? Of course, why would anyone else be concerned about a stuffed monkey? Anyway, I proceed to the theater where we had seen the show. Of course, another movie is playing, but I walk right up to where we were sitting and asked the people if I could feel under their seats; these nice people actually gave me their cell phones to use for light! Long story short, Fudgie was behind the seats, against the wall, in a ball. Luckily the little guys who clean the theater weren't very thorough that day. Our family is now complete again. I thought KK and Em were going to cry when I came back out with the monkey. The things we do for our kids. . .I guess I'm a little attached to him to:)

Monday, March 2, 2009


Well, it's been 2 weeks since I posted b/c we have been nothing but playing, and working. Well, during the week is full of homework, dance, homework, housework and homework! On the weekends, when Chad is not working, we are playing. Last weekend, here in Louisiana, was Mardi Gras. Which meant, we got a two-day holiday. And we took advantage of it! We took off to Shreveport and went to Sci-Port, which is a little science experiment place. The girls had a blast. We ate well, spent-the-night in a really nice hotel (thanks to Aunt Ann), and saw a movie (Paul Blart-Mall Cop) hilarious if you have a sense of humor like ours! Ever since I was little I have loved hotels. Not so much now since I realized how many people stay there. . .anyway, getting off track. It always made me feel like even if I was an hour away, I was on a vacation b/c I was in a hotel. My dad is the same way. Moral of the story, it was fun. These pictures show the girls on a bed of nails, and Chad and I "waiting it out". They had a great time and always love going there.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

To My Honey!

13 years ago today, I married the love of my life. I truly believe that God sent him to me and that we were meant to be together. He is the best husband, father and friend anyone could ask for. He is so caring and kind, unselfish and just a plain nice guy. He puts up with me and that's enough in itself! Happy Anniversary Honey! I look forward to a trillion more!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

Okay, so I got tagged on Facebook a week ago about this and it has taken me a complete week to actually decide 25 random things about myself (my husband says there are many more)! This would have been posted earlier, but I have been at criminal jury duty all day; YUCK! I guess they don't want the wife of a corrections officer! Anyway, without any further waiting. . . . . .

Random things

I always put my left sock, left shoe then right sock, right shoe on; can’t do it any other way!
I put jelly on my potato salad and rice and gravy (thanks for that quirky habit Dad!)
I CANNOT STAND the sound of Styrofoam or feet! I will vomit!
I am afraid of drowning (and I can swim)!
I get up all hours of the night and go check on my sleeping children.
I love me some Rick Springfield, Lionel Richie and Zac Efron (not in any particular order).
As a child, I ate pure butter, out of the tub or straight from the stick; Mom always knew whose finger marks were in the butter!
I am smack dab in the middle of the birth order of my family; I lived a little while with Tracy and Lester and a little while with Michael and Stephen.
When I met my husband, I knew I would marry him. (He says it was all a bet!-I won)
I used to write with my left hand and my 2nd grade teacher made me switch. Why? I have no idea.
I had a blood clotting disorder while pregnant with Emily and had to take Heparin shots in my stomach twice a day throughout my pregnancy and 6 weeks after. Worth every needle!
I am always worrying about something; even it it’s not important (I think it runs in my family)!
Sometimes I think my sister and I have ESP. We know what the other is thinking and can finish each others sentences. (Comes in very handy at times)
With me, you get what you see; I am sometimes, unfortunately, too honest.
I always wish I had taken dance or gymnastics as a child; I am very spastic to this day.
I never really liked animals and now have 2 dogs and 2 cats that I couldn’t imagine NOT having.
I never really thought I’d get married or have kids; well, you all know how that turned out! (Glad I was wrong).
I went to LSU and after two years begged my Dad to come home; he told me no-“finish what you start”-he was right-don’t tell him.
I wish I could be more organized; I dream of it; think of all the ways I can accomplish it; map it out; read about it; plan it . . . never do it.
I guess it would only be fitting to next say that I have a problem with procrastination.
I love to read; used to read book after book; don’t have time now, but one day will catch up with a good book.
When I read, it makes me VERY sleepy (which I guess is why I never finish a book anymore) and I get VERY sleepy in the car.
I cannot go to bed at night until the kitchen is clean and the dishwasher is turned on-my kids could be hanging from the ceiling fans, but my kitchen is clean!
My parents are the greatest people on Earth; I only hope one day my children can say the same about me and Chad!
This has made me realize just how weird I really am!!!!!

Monday, February 2, 2009


Well, I have no pictures because I cannot find my camera! We had a busy weekend. They seem to go by so fast. Even when we have a long weekend, it ends much to quickly. Today, my mind is set on just making it through the day! I was awoken at 2:45 a.m. with a stuffy nose (I cannot sleep with a stuffy nose!) and went searching for my Afrin (I know-not good for you). Finally, back to bed and saw flickers of light and rumblings of thunder. For the record, Katelyn is DEATHLY afraid of bad weather! Before I could get to her, she was over to our side of the house! So, again, we try to drift off to sleep and Chad's alarm goes off (3:45 a.m.). By this time it is really storming and Emily has made her way over. So, bed full, Chad buzzing around, 4 AM!!!! I am not an early morning person. After tossing and turning for another hour; I fell asleep at 5 a.m.; only for my alarm to go off at 5:15!!! So, I am very tired and looking forward to hitting that pillow tonight! Until then, I will make the most of this day I have been given and pray for large doses of patience at 3 p.m. when I pick up two VERY tired little girls.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Been to the 80's and back!

Well, we went to Baton Rouge this weekend for my brother's 40th birthday party. It was a surprise AND an 80's theme!!! I cannot even begin to explain how much fun was had by all! It's funny how after traveling down there on Friday afternoon and then "transforming" to our 80's selves, we started actually going back and thinking we were 16 again!!! It was awesome. Great to have my entire family there; great to see all the costumes everyone wore; great to see the HUGE smile on my parents' faces because all of their children were in one place having the time of their lives; great to know that I will have these wonderful memories of fun and love. Happy 40th Birthday Let; glad you had one so we could live it up!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I want to pout!

Yes, today is a day of pouting. Don't know why (well, there is a list of things), but just a crummy day (and it's only 9:00AM). It will get better. KK had 2 1/2 hours worth of homework last night. . . Chad got up at 4AM to go to work and I couldn't drift back to sleep. . .we were later than usual for school and work. . . I have state surveyors at my work so everyone is DOWN MY THROAT. . . I have a list of things to do before Friday. . . .I could keep going. But, I think back to what I told KK yesterday when she was in tears about her least we are healthy, happy, have a roof over our heads and love each other. We are very fortunate and if all we have to deal with are the little things, then we should be thankful. I told her this morning how crummy I was feeling and then thought of what I had told her yesterday and it's like a light bulb came on in both our heads! I realized that I must practice what I preach. . . and she realized that my own words had come back to bite me in the rear!!!! Of course, Em sat in the back with the peaceful little smile on her face thinking "thank goodness none of this concerns me"! Gotta love life when you put it in perspective.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

I am gonna do better!

Alright, I am going to do better. That is all I am going to say about posting. Obviously the holidays have been a whirlwind of fun and very busy. I took the week off between Christmas and New Year and man we had a blast. Some days we didn't even get out of our pajamas! And we went to Baton Rouge to visit my brother, his awesome wife, and their two kids. My kids were thrilled and Chad and I had a blast too. It is all fun there and no sleep. Great memories and lots of fun! Here is a picture of my girlies-they are Chad and my whole world. I thank God every day for giving us these children to raise and love. This is a picture of us at the LSU game in October-definitely shows how silly they are and unbelievably cute!!! I guess you see Fudgie always makes it in the picture somehow!